
Monday, November 30, 2015

The Monday Morning After by Elizabeth Goddard

That’s right. I’m talking the Monday morning after the Thanksgiving weekend.

Have you stashed all your washed china away yet? Polished your silver before putting it back?
I’m spending this Monday morning recovering from Thanksgiving. This holiday is hard on the Mommas and the matriarchs of the family. Sure, plenty of people have changed things around so that everyone contributes, but really, who super cleans the house so others can come over and enjoy it? Who coordinates everything so that all the many parts of the meal come together like a symphony of culinary pleasure? And at the end of it all, who cleans up those dishes and pots and pans? And I'm talking a mile-high pile.

Most of the time it’s Momma.

Two days, sometimes three, ahead of the big day, I start cooking pies and preparing those casseroles so that the big day isn’t so hard. My husband cooks the turkey and ham and that takes a LOT of pressure off me. I think one of the hardest things is to get it all on the table hot and ready when there is only one oven!

But I did it, we did it, and then I spent the rest of the weekend loading and unloading the dishwasher and carefully putting china away. Ha!

But it’s Monday now and I can drink my coffee and relax.

Still it’s worth it to make my family happy and make those memories for my boys—still teenagers now. But one day, I want them to bring their families home to Momma's for Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time to focus on family and friends and come together to think about all the things we’re thankful for.

And let’s face it. We don’t do that nearly enough! I don’t know what the statistics are, or if anyone has gone to the trouble to find out—but I think we might spend way more time thinking about everything that is wrong in our lives than thinking about everything that is right.

So I have an action item for you.

On this morning after, don’t slip back into that old habit of letting all those little things that go wrong and add up to one bad day, get to you. Be deliberate about finding reasons to smile and have joy on the inside.

Be deliberate about cultivating a grateful heart.

Make THAT your habit and I promise it will change everything about your life. Before you know it more good things will happen.

Life is good. Life is a gift.

Okay, you can start now. What can you be grateful for at this moment in time? 

I'll go first. I'm grateful I get to enjoy coffee with my husband this morning, sitting on the comfy sofa in our living room and watching the news while we watch the snow. It's a beautiful day. 


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving from our crew to you!



When I was a kid, Thanksgiving meant tons of good food and an influx of strange relatives carrying bottles of alcohol, wanting to squeeze my cheeks. Yes, I had one of "those" childhoods. But now that I have my own kids and grandkids! (Have I told you about my grandkids?!) I realize that it's not the food that matters or even those odd people you can't believe you are related to, it's about being thankful first and foremost for all the good things God has given us. (Including food and weird relatives) I've lived long enough to recognize God's blessings in all the little things and around every corner even when the pathway gets rough. My prayer for us all is that we always see that silver lining on the cloud and recognize the handiwork of God. Thanks for being a part of this Blog! We want you to feel like family every time you drop by! God Bless!! And Happy Thanksgiving!
 ~Marylu Tyndall


Happy Thanksgiving from Camy Tang aka Camille Elliot!

I'm so thankful to all of you for dropping by! I'm also thankful to my friends for joining me on this blog. God has really been pushing me in new directions this year and driving me out of my comfort zone, but it's been a lot of fun and very personally satisfying. My prayer for you and for us too is that God will continue to work in our lives to make us stronger, healthier, happier, and at peace with ourselves and our lives. He is always with us, even when things feel dark. I'm glad for this season where I can remind myself of His blessings and His care for me. I wish all of you a very happy Thanksgiving!


Hi Everyone! It’s been a crazy year for our family, with lots of ups and downs, and never did I imagine where this ride would take us. But I’m so thankful for everything we’ve been through this year, because even in the bad times, I am reminded of how very lucky we are. So whether your Thanksgiving table is laden with plenty, or not as full as you’d like, or maybe there are people missing from it this year, or maybe you’re lucky enough to have everyone there, I hope you take the time to count your many blessings. Know that as I count mine this year, all of my wonderful readers are among them. When things get rough, I see your faces, and knowing that my books are out there touching your lives makes it all worthwhile. Wishing you all the very best this Thanksgiving!

~Danica Favorite

Happy Thanksgiving from Lynette Sowell!

Dear Readers,

Thank you for dropping by the Clean Romance Reads Café. This has been quite the year for our family, complete with lovely ups and heart-wrenching downs, but regardless of which way I find myself pointing, I feel blessed by the love of family, friends, the odd pet (several actually), and readers who inspire my every written word. Thank you! It is my hope you have been as blessed and a blessing to others, and that when you gather to celebrate this beautiful day of thanks giving, regardless of who may be absent from your table, your hearts will be filled with peace and joy. Now settle down to just enough food to make you feel pleasantly uncomfortable and even more blessed. 
~Tamara Leigh

Hello all! Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to reflect on what we have. One of the great things about being an author is getting to connect with gracious readers like you. Your encouragement and support mean so much and we could not do what we do without you. Thank you for your faithful readership, and for blessing us with your continued presence here. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hug your loved ones tight today! Praying a special blessing of grace on any of you for whom this holiday is hard for whatever reason. Please know you are fondly thought of, thoroughly loved and dearly treasured beyond comprehension by The Most High God. Hugs!~~~Cheryl Wyatt

PS. I’m giving away ten $25 Amazon gift cards to my newsletter subscribers on Dec 1, 2015. Be sure to sign up by 11pm CST Nov 30th for a chance to win one.

Happy Thanksgiving from Elizabeth Goddard

The Mountain Cove series--new romantic suspense: Buried, Untraceable, Backfire, Submerged. 
Sign up for my Great Escapes newsletter at


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

What Camy's reading: The Unflappable Miss Fairchild by Regina Scott

The Unflappable Miss Fairchild by Regina Scott

Camy here! I really enjoy Regina Scott’s Regency romances, and while I haven’t read all her books, this has one of my favorite heroines from this author. Miss Fairchild is one of those calm, sensible heroines that I tend to like a lot.

The book was originally published by Zebra Regency Romances, but it is now self-published by the author herself. However, I find that I prefer the original Zebra back cover blurb for the story:

A Wild Gentleman

From outrageous wagers to somersaults in the Park, Chas Prestwick delighted in shocking the ton. After all, as the younger brother of an earl, he had nothing to lose. Only Miss Anne Fairchild, whom fate seemed bent on thrusting in his path, was unruffled by his escapades--even when a chance encounter made her his passenger in a wild carriage race to Kew Gardens. But Chas, entranced by her beauty, was far from complaining! Except that this angel, whose good sense rescued him from scrape after scrape, might be on the hunt for a titled bridegroom--which made him no catch at all...

A Level-Headed Lady

From pompous to vain, the most unsuitable suitors courted Anne Fairchild. Tolerant of all foibles, unschooled in flirtation, she was the despair of her family. Worst of all, only Chas Prestwick's dazzling smile could bring a blush to her demure cheek--and Anne's match-making aunts soon made clear their preference for a more lordly and less dashing husband.

But beneath Anne's polite exterior, her heart beat only for the handsome rakehell who made her long to trade in a life of propriety--for one that promised to a love filled with unpredictable delight...

Camy here: Right now it’s on sale for only $0.99 on Amazon Kindle. It’s also available on iBooks, Nook, and Kobo.

Monday, November 23, 2015

And they call it puppy love...

My girls with our new puppies, Sargeant and Sebastian.
Hi Everyone! Danica Favorite here and I am a little late getting my post up for today because we have had major changes in our house!

About six months ago, our dog passed away after being my companion for fifteen years. My family wanted a new dog right away, but I wasn't ready. Finally, over the past few weeks, I started thinking we should get another dog, and I've been watching the dog rescue sites. For a variety of reasons, we wanted schnauzers, so I've been waiting to find one. A little over a week ago, a pair of brothers showed up on the rescue site, and we fell in love. We went through the adoption process, yesterday, the rescue group brought the dogs to our house for a home visit. Everything worked out perfectly, and we found ourselves with two new puppies at our house!

Even though we were ready for the dogs, it's been an unexpected experience. The dogs turn one this week, so they're still at the puppy stage, and because they spent much of that year being neglected, they are not your typical one year olds. We're working on potty training and socialization, among other things. Because of the lives they led until now, if you leave them for even a minute, they think you're leaving forever. And when you walk into a room, they're like, "oh yay! She's back! I missed you so much! Never leave me again!"

We adopted a set of brothers who'd never been separated. With our dog, Grant, we always regretted not having a doggie companion for him, so when we found these guys, we thought it would be perfect. Except I forgot how much work one puppy was, let alone two! When you finally get one calmed down, the other decides to be worked up. The rescue organization said that they were very quiet and not your typical puppies. HA! These guys have been nothing but happy little bundles of energy since we got them. Every time I go to sit down, I have a dog crawling all over me, saying, "hey! Did you forget about me? Do you still love me? Are you going to keep me?" And when I finally get one settled down, the other one thinks it's his turn.

Even though our Grant had been sick a long time, and I knew his end was coming, losing him was hard. We'd had him since he was a baby, and he was my constant companion. The last year or so was hard, because he required a lot of care, and in some ways, it was like having a puppy- minus the energy. I'd forgotten about the energy!

Losing a pet is hard. Especially when it's been someone who is like family. And even though I still miss Grant, it gets easier every day. We got the dogs when everyone in the family was ready. I think the girls wanted a new dog within a couple of weeks, but it took me months to be ready. Grief is a really personal thing, and what I've learned from this process is that you have to let your process be your process. People will give advice and tell you what they think about where you should be in grieving your pet, but here is my take: let it be whatever it needs to be for you.

We have these great new puppies. I'm enjoying them very much. But I know there will be days when I still miss Grant, and that's okay. Of course, these guys are such bundles of energy, I'm not sure when I'll have time to miss him!

How about you? Have you ever lost a pet? How did you handle the grief? And if you have some good puppy training tips, let me know!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Day 3: A Season to Wed release party

Hey precious ones! 

So glad you've joined me for day three of our online release party for A Season to Wed. I hope you know how much your visits mean to us. We love that you let us into your lives through blogging, and that you choose to spend some of your time here on the blog with us. Your presence means so much!

If you've recently joined us, WELCOME! We are glad to have you.

We've been celebrating the release of my November novella release from Zondervan titled A Season to Wed. It's a three book anthology that includes my story, Serving Up a Sweetheart. 

Since the book features a caterer, I thought it would be fun to share your favorite buffet style recipe. Something that feeds a group...since my heroine has to feed a ton of people...and use her former bully's kitchen to do it! Oh, how we authors love to put our characters in those predicaments. :-)  

Have you signed up for my newsletter yet? I'd LOVE to have you aboard. In addition to sharing important book news, I am a giver at heart and love to shower subscribers with fun story stuff, freebies and other goodies exclusive to subscribers. You can sign up here.  

If the link doesn't work, try this: 

Thank you all so much for being part of my release celebration! Don't forget to leave a comment by 11pm CST tonight to have a chance to win a free copy of A Season to Wed.

If you don't happen to win and would like to read it, it can be purchased anywhere books are sold. Here's the Amazon link

Blessings and don't forget to share your favorite buffet style recipe, or one that will feed a group of people. 

Thanks all! 

Cheryl Wyatt

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Day 2: A Season to Wed release party

Hello Clean Romance Reads Crew! 

Welcome to Day 2 of A Season to Wed holiday. Okay, I just made that up. It seems like there's a holiday for everything nowadays, huh? Speaking of holidays...which is your favorite and why? 

What's your favorite holiday tradition?

Do you love white Christmases or are you a snow bird? 

Incidentally, my poor heroine ends up with her catering kitchen roof caved in during a blizzard...and has to accept help from her former high school bully. 

Do you think you could do that? How would you react in that situation?

Leave a comment by 11pm CST about any of the above to be entered to win a FREE copy of A Season to Wed, which includes my novella Serving Up a Sweetheart. 

Thank you SO much for stopping by. You are the best!

I LOVE to stay in touch. So don't forget to sign up for my newsletter for goodies, news, fun and freebies exclusive to subscribers. 

Cheryl Wyatt

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Day 1: A Season to Wed release party

Hello all! It's time to celebrate! 

For the next three days here on Clean Romance Reads Blog, I'm hosting an online party to commemorate my November release from HarperCollins. 


My story is titled Serving Up a Sweetheart. 

It is one of three novellas included in a 2015 winter weddings anthology from Zondervan titled A Season to Wed. 

Isn't the sepia cover gorgeous? 

To celebrate the book's release, I'm giving away a free copy per day to three people (one book/person each day) who comments on the day's post before 11pm CST Wednesday (today), Thursday (tomorrow) and Friday (the day after today.) 

Since I'm all about interaction and getting to know those of you so graciously becoming part of our community, please share something fun, unexpected, hilarious, meaningful or disastrous that happened at your wedding or the wedding of a loved one or friend. 


Also, I'd love to be able to get word out to you about future book news as well as include you in special offers, gifts and freebies exclusive to my newsletter subscribers. So I hope you'll take a moment to sign up for my list here. 

(I won't spam you or share your information with a third party. I also won't bombard you with frequent emails. 

Thank you SO much for stopping by today. Blessings on all of your endeavors!

Cheryl Wyatt

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

My over-stacked, ever-brimming, never-clearing bookshelf

I can't think of an author who's not a reader, but if you ask many authors, I'm sure you'll hear of the challenge it is to carve out time to read, let alone write, keep up with everything else in life. That said, my TBR (To Be Read) pile never grows smaller.

So, my topic today is book recommendations. I love to read all kinds of genres (right now I'm reading my first James Patterson novel—so far, so good) and the fun thing about romance novels is you're not limited to reading “just” romance.

You can have mystery, history, small-town America, suspense, you name it in a romance novel.

Recently I've finished reading Elizabeth Goddard's latest romantic suspense, Submerged, an October release from Love Inspired Suspense.

Beth and I have been friends for almost fifteen years! We figured that out, a while back. We met in 2001 at a two-day writers' conference in Austin, Texas, when our mutual friends Kathleen Y'Barbo and DiAnn Mills introduced us.

Beth and I hit it off and have been pals ever since, from those early writing days when we were still figuring things out as we hiked along to publication.

Beth has written contemporary romance, but lately she's primarily written romantic suspense. I was thrilled for her when she landed her first contract with Harlequin's Love Inspired Suspense several years ago. She hasn't looked back, either.

My writing path has taken me in a bit of a different direction for now, writing both contemporary and some historical romance. I've worked on romantic suspense and while I've not succeeded in selling one of those proposals (yet?), one thing I've enjoyed is seeing Beth work on her books.

We keep in touch with each other regularly—or not, depending on my crazy news-writing schedule!—and we bounce ideas off each other, commiserate or cheer depending on the situation, and generally spur each other on to keep doing what we're doing. Because, we're still figuring things out as authors.

Back to Submerged
Submerged is a fun read. There's a heroine and hero with a history, and she struggles with forgiveness, just as he's struggled with forgiving himself. Oh, and someone is trying to kill her at every turn—blowing things up, trying to drown her. There's creepy faces at the window, some jumping off cliffs, treasure hunters, caves that can fill up water. Then, there's the secret of what her father was looking for in an old shipwreck—or not.

The book is part of a series, but you won't feel lost if you pick this one up first before the others. In fact, you'll probably want to pick up the earlier titles to follow the other characters.

Here's the back cover copy:

With Christmas just around the corner, Cobie MacBride wants closure in the case of her missing father. But when a visit to the last place he was seen leads to an attack by a masked assailant, Cobie knows she's in over her head. Running for her life, she never expected to find safety with Adam Warren—the man she blames for her brother's death. Seeking answers leads them to a treasure ship, buried secrets…and deadly danger. Christmas could find them starting a new future—if they can avoid getting trapped in the perils of the past.

MOUNTAIN COVE: In the Alaskan wilderness, love and danger collide

As an aside, I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week here in the U.S.! How did that happen so quickly? If you're celebrating next week, I hope you have a great one. I'm nearly ready to dust off my favorite recipes for that day. Until next time, happy reading! 

Monday, November 16, 2015

When life gets you down ... by MaryLu Tyndall

Let’s face it, life is hard. Even if you try and shield yourself from as many problems as possible, those arrows of troubles still pierce you from all around. I used to think life would get easier the older I got or when I reached certain milestones. When I get that job… married that man…when I get that promotion…when I have a child…when the kids leave home! LOL. But in truth, there are a multitude of trials at each stage of life, aren’t there? It doesn’t help that the world seems to be going crazy around us. There’s so much violence, disease and uncertainty. How do you cope with it all? Some people turn to alcohol or drugs, some people exercise, bury themselves in work, and if you’re a reader like me (and why would you be reading this blog if you weren’t!) some people dive into a good book as an escape to another place and time where, even though there are problems, it all works out in the end.

Can you tell I’m a huge fan of a happy ending? I don’t care how well-written a book is or how
well-acted a movie is, if it has a bad ending, I hate it. A couple of movies come to mind that I will never watch again. The Perfect Storm (spoiler: everyone dies!) and Cast Away with Tom Hanks. (He doesn’t get the girl!) Yes, I’m a real sucker for happy endings. But aren’t we all like that? We want our lives to work out perfectly. We want the prince to sweep us off our feet and ride off into the sunset where we live “happily ever after”. (Or maybe you want to sweep the prince off his feet! Whatever)  Yet life can’t make that promise to us, and a good book can only last so long. I used to get sad when I read the last page of a great book. Even if it was a satisfying ending, I wanted more. I wanted to get lost in that world again and again.

In my exhaustive quest for my own happy ending, I finally found a book that I can get lost it over and over and never tire of. I found a book that made me feel like a princess, a book where my prince does indeed come to my rescue and where we actually do ride off into the sunset for our happily ever after. That book is the Bible. And the best thing about the Bible is that it’s not fiction. It’s not a myth or a fairy tale or something conjured up by an imaginative mind. The promise of hope and a happily ever after are true. And though there are many days that are filled with problems and sorrows, I know that because I have given my life to my Prince, Jesus, the Son of God, that someday He is coming to get me and all my trials will end.

 Whether you’ve never read the Bible or you’ve read it multiple times, I encourage you to pick it up daily and read the greatest love story ever told. It will give you hope and peace like you’ve never known as you allow the words to penetrate your soul and you learn to trust in God. He loves you with a boundless love and He will never leave you or forsake you.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

On Creativity: My New Hobby

Elizabeth Goddard here.

Do you ever think to yourself that you'd like to be more creative? You'd like to learn how to craft something? Paint with oils? Or maybe you want to learn to play the cello or how to bake artisan bread. There are a kazillion ways to be creative out there. Maybe you just haven't found the time. You want to write the great American novel and you can't find time to do that either. 

I haven't written the GAN, but I have written a few romance novels. The thing is, I want to be creative in more ways than one. So my mantra in finding time to do the things you want to do is like the Nike marketing campaign: 

Just Do It.

I've wanted to learn how to knit for years, so finally, I took the class.

I know other of my fellow bloggers are serious knitters, well, at least one of you (waving to Camy Tang). I have long wanted to be creative outside of writing. I’ve dreamed of all the items I could create—blankets, scarves, hats, etc.—while watching movies with my boys. Maybe I always have to be doing something with my hands. I don't know. If I’m not writing, then I can be creating something.

And that’s what it’s all about. Creativity. Think about it. We are created by a Creator and in His image so we have His DNA. It’s only natural that you and I want to create.

But as I was working on my first knitting project, a scarf for my son, I couldn’t help but get impatient. After all, we live in a microwave society—everything is instant. We want it all and right now. I want my scarf this second. I want that blanket I’m imagining in my head to be done in an hour.

The truth is, beautiful things can take time to create.

So I encouraged myself with the idea that knitting is like writing. It might take me time to make that blanket and one day it’ll be big enough to wrap around me, but the blanket can only be made one stitch, one row, at a time.

That’s how it is with writing a novel. Fifty thousand words or one hundred thousand words. Take your pick. Both novels get there the same way—one word at a time.

So whether I’m writing a word at a time, sentence, paragraph, a page and then 250 or 500 pages, it all starts in the same place.

That first word.

That first stitch.

That first step. 

The next second is the first second of the rest of your life.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Now, go create something. And let me know what you come up with!

Oh, one more thing. I'm giving away $100 Amazon Gift card over on my contest page. That drawing will end soon, so drop by and enter the drawing

Many Blessings!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

What would mean the most to you?

Hello! Cheryl Wyatt here. 

I thought for my first solo post, I'd put some feelers out in terms of what you'd like to see from me/us post-wise. 

For instance, you may love visiting blogs where the author shares personal stuff about life and family.

Or perhaps you just like to know what the author is up to writing-wise. 

Maybe you'd love to hear the authors hobbies, or cool recipes the author likes and shares. 

What about insight into upcoming books, or updates on an author's current work in progress? 

Maybe you'd love to have the chance to win gifts or books.

Or it could be that you really love free short stories posted in snippets on a blog by your favorite author. 

Could be that you enjoy seeing photo snapshots of the author's writerly and or family events. 


I know I'm barely skimming the surface of suggestions. 

So this post is not only me asking for your input, it's an opportunity for me to let you know that I'd LOVE to get to know all of you as well. I absolutely love interacting with readers and aspiring writers. 
That you let us into your lives is a blessing as well as let us into yours. Social media blogging is a really great way to engage and build forever friendships. 

So, I'd LOVE to know...what types of blog posts would you like to see from me? 

Thank you so much for sharing,

Cheryl Wyatt

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

What I'm Reading...

Patricia Bradley

This week I'm on a cruise, and I'm in the middle Where Treasure Hides. I read it the first time on my Kindle and loved it. Then, when it came out in print, I had to have it. It's a beautiful romance...and don't you love the cover!

Here's the blurb:
Artist Alison Schuyler spends her time working in her family’s renowned art gallery, determined to avoid the curse that has followed the Schuyler clan from the Netherlands to America and back again. She’s certain that true love will only lead to tragedy—that is, until a chance meeting at Waterloo station brings Ian Devlin into her life. Drawn to the bold and compassionate British Army captain, Alison begins to question her fear of love as World War II breaks out, separating the two and drawing each into their own battles. While Ian fights for freedom on the battlefield, Alison works with the Dutch Underground to find a safe haven for Jewish children and priceless pieces of art alike. But safety is a luxury war does not allow. As time, war, and human will struggle to keep them apart, will Alison and Ian have the faith to fight for their love, or is it their fate to be separated forever?

Monday, November 9, 2015


While our youngest son was home from college for the weekend, he asked me how many true friends I have. When one’s eighteen-year-old, who is exploring his new world away from home, asks something like that, the writer puts down her pen and settles into a verbal, son-initiated (gasp!) conversation. I treasured every minute of our hour-long exchange. It took me back years to a ladies Sunday school class where I found myself straddling the fence—of the picket variety, with spear-like points that make one intensely uncomfortable. On one side of the fence was my reaction to the topic of “friendship,” as introduced by the story of Ruth and Naomi: Friends are all good and well, I thought, but one must be cautious. On the other side of that fence was the thought: How wonderful to have a “to the ends of the earth friend” like Ruth. It wasn’t that I didn’t have friends and wasn’t a friend. It’s that my introverted personality, combined with painful experiences as a teenager, made me cautious with the depth of friendship. And so I continued to straddle the fence until our leader, a beautiful, God-breathing woman, demonstrated what the Lord intended when he commanded us to love one another.

She asked if one of our ladies would read a passage from the book of Ruth and pause after each sentence. Then she knelt before a surprised lady and, with each pause between sentences, put Ruth’s words into her own words while holding the woman’s gaze with an intensity that made me duck my head behind my Bible (I do not do drama).

Ruth 1:16-17: Don’t force me to leave you. Don’t make me turn back from following you. Wherever you go, I will go, and wherever you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. Wherever you die, I will die, and I will be buried there with you. May the Lord strike me down if anything but death separates you and me!” (God’s Word Translation)

After the second sentence, I peeked at the scene. Back to my Bible. Deep breath. Another peek. A glance at the floor. My, I mused, I really ought to repaint my toenails. Maybe one more peek. That last time, I made it through the end of our leader’s demonstration without looking away. And when she rose before the speechless, visibly moved recipient, it was obvious we were all affected. I was awed…and touched…and needy. At the risk of vulnerability, I had to get off the fence on the side of Ruth. Not that I was ready to toss out the teabag tag I had been holding onto for years that quotes sixteenth-century Diane de Poitiers: To have a good enemy, choose a friend; he knows where to strike. But the reminder to never allow a friend too near didn’t belong on my refrigerator door. Baby steps…

That was years ago, and I continue to take baby steps with friendship, but what joy to look back and see all those steps have added up to strides. We’re commanded to love one another, and so I continue to work toward gaining friends—and being a friend—like Ruth. We should all be so blessed and a blessing to others.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Introducing Tamara Leigh and Patricia Bradley

Welcome to our blog! I’m Tamara Leigh, a Speech-and-Language-Pathologist-turned-novelist in 1993 when I signed a contract with Bantam Books for four medieval romances. These were followed by three more with HarperCollins and Dorchester, earning awards and spots on national bestseller lists, including the USA Today bestseller list.

In 2006, my first inspirational contemporary romance, Stealing Adda, was released—yes, quite a leap from medieval romance, but a fun change of pace. In 2012, seven contemporary romances later, I returned to the historical romance genre with the 5-book Age of Faith series. If you’d like a glimpse of what this genre is all about, visit my website and follow the link to receive a free ebook of the first in the series, The Unveiling:

When not in the middle of being a wife, mother, and cookbook fiend, I bury my nose in a good book and my writer’s pen in ink. I live near Nashville with my husband, a Doberman who bares his teeth not only to threaten the UPS man but to smile, and a feisty Morkie named Maizy Grace who keeps me company during long writing stints.

Now before you go, don’t forget to enter the drawing for a KINDLE VOYAGE here on Clean RomanceReads Café!

AND to celebrate our new blog, I'm giving away a copy of The Unveiling audiobook from and Lady At Arms ebook. After you meet Patricia (who is also giving away a couple of neat books) enter our Rafflecopter!

Now, here's Patricia!

Hi everyone from Northeast Mississippi! I'm so glad you've visited our new blog. 

I'm so excited to have a place to gather and discuss everything from books to life, and anything in between.

Oh, I don't think I introduced myself. I'm Patricia Bradley, and recently (as in just the past two weeks!!!) made the USA Today list with A Heartwarming Christmas. It's an anthology with eleven other Harlequin Heartwarming authors.

In 2013, after over thirty years of writing, my first romantic suspense, Shadows of the Past, was released from Revell
Since that time, I've written three more for Revell and two for Harlequin Heartwarming. 

Right now I'm working on a new series, and I'm not certain what the name of will be! My working title is Memphis Cold Case Series, and I've titled the first book The Case of the Murdered Roommate.

When I'm not writing, I like to visit my daughters and granddaughter and granddog in Florida, and sometimes I throw mud on a wheel and see what comes out. If I'm still long enough, my shelter cat Suzy, will sit in my lap. 

Before I go, be sure to enter both contests! For the Rafflecopter, I'm giving away a digital copy of my first Harlequin Heartwarming book, Matthew's Choice and a copy of Shadows of the Past (print for US addresses). 

Rafflecopter ends the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, so let your friends know!