
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

What Camy's reading: A COUSINLY CONNEXION by Sheila Simonson

Sheila Simonson didn’t write a lot of books, but the ones I’ve read from her have been absolutely wonderful. There’s something about her characters and writing style that just really appeals to me.

This Regency romance is one of my favorites from her, and it’s now available as an ebook on Kindle, iBooks, Kobo, and Nook. You can read the blurb from the ebook version online, but here’s the back cover blurb from the hardcover version that I own:


Miss Jane Ash ran her fingers through her lovely brown ringlets, and pondered her situation. She had come to the country to help her recently widowed aunt, only to find the hen-wilted woman and her boisterous brood in utter turmoil over the arrival of the new Lord Meriden. Aunt Louisa was certain that her handsome stepson, now sole heir to the estate, was an ogre; Maria and Drusilla complained that he was not "romantical." No one counted on his being gallant and knowing--or that he would capture Jane's heart. Poor Jane assumed that any man who addressed her as "cousin" needed help from Cupid, but never dreamed that Cupid's mischievous helpers were all about... and drawing bows!

Camy here: I thought this book had very elegant writing and likable characters. I tend to like characters who are sensible and have a good sense of humor. I’ve read and re-read this book and always enjoy it.

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